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1   /*
2    *  XNap Commons
3    *
4    *  Copyright (C) 2005  Felix Berger
5    *
6    *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8    *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9    *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10   *
11   *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12   *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14   *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
15   *
16   *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17   *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18   *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
19   */
20  package org.xnap.commons.gui.completion;
22  import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
23  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
24  import org.xnap.commons.i18n.I18n;
25  import org.xnap.commons.i18n.I18nFactory;
27  /***
28   * Factory class that manages all installed completion modes and creates 
29   * them.
30   * 
31   * @author Felix Berger
32    */
33  public class CompletionModeFactory 
34  {
35  	static final I18n I18N = I18nFactory.getI18n(CompletionModeFactory.class); 
37  	private static CompletionModeInfo[] infos;
38  	static {
39  		infos = new CompletionModeInfo[] {
40  				new CompletionModeInfo("No Completion"),
41  						NoCompletionMode.class.getName()),
42  				new CompletionModeInfo("Automatic"),
43  						AutomaticCompletionMode.class.getName()),
44  				new CompletionModeInfo("Automatic Dropdown"),
45  						AutomaticDropDownCompletionMode.class.getName()),
46  				new CompletionModeInfo("Dropdown List"),
47  						DropDownListCompletionMode.class.getName()),
48  				new CompletionModeInfo("Emacs Completion"), 
49  						EmacsCompletionMode.class.getName()),
50  				new CompletionModeInfo("Manual"),
51  						ManualCompletionMode.class.getName()),
52  				new CompletionModeInfo("Short Automatic"),
53  						ShortAutomaticCompletionMode.class.getName()),
54  		};
55  	}
57  	/***
58  	 * Returns all installed completion mode info objects.
59  	 * @return an array that contains the objects; if no completion modes have
60  	 * been installed an empty array is returned, never returns null
61  	 */
62  	public static CompletionModeInfo[] getInstalledCompletionModes()
63  	{
64  		CompletionModeInfo[] result = new CompletionModeInfo[infos.length];
65  		System.arraycopy(infos, 0, result, 0, result.length);
66  		return result;
67  	}
69  	/***
70  	 * Returns the completion mode info object for the <code>className</code>.
71  	 * 
72  	 * @return <code>null</code> if no object for that class name was found
73  	 */
74  	public static CompletionModeInfo getCompletionModeInfoByClassName(String className)
75  	{
76  		for (CompletionModeInfo info : infos) {
77  			if (info.getClassName().equals(className)) {
78  				return info;
79  			}
80  		}
81  		return null;
82  	}
84  	/***
85  	 * Installs a completion mode info object.
86  	 * <p> 
87  	 * It is then returned in {@link #getInstalledCompletionModes()}.
88  	 * 
89  	 * Completion modes can not be uninstalled, since they may already be
90  	 * actively used in {@link Completion} objects and provided as possible options
91  	 * in {@link CompletionModeMenu CompletionModeMenus}.
92  	 * @param info
93  	 */
94  	public static void installCompletionMode(CompletionModeInfo info) 
95  	{
96  		CompletionModeInfo[] newInfos 
97  			= new CompletionModeInfo[infos.length + 1];
98  		System.arraycopy(infos, 0, newInfos, 0, infos.length);
99  		newInfos[infos.length] = info;
100 		infos = newInfos;
101 	}
103 	/***
104 	 * Creates a completion mode using the class name information from info.
105 	 * @param info
106 	 * @throws ClassNotFoundException
107 	 * @throws NoSuchMethodException
108 	 * @throws NoSuchMethodException
109 	 * @throws InvocationTargetException
110 	 * @throws InstantiationException
111 	 * @throws IllegalAccessException
112 	 * @throws InvocationTargetException
113 	 */
114 	public static CompletionMode createCompletionMode(CompletionModeInfo info)
115 		throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, 
116 					NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException,
117 					InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
118 					InvocationTargetException
119 	{
120 		return createCompletionMode(info.getClassName());
121 	}
123 	/***
124 	 * Creates a completion mode object with the given class name.
125 	 * @param className
126 	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the created object is not an
127 	 * instance of type {@link CompletionMode}.
128 	 * @throws ClassNotFoundException
129 	 * @throws NoSuchMethodException
130 	 * @throws NoSuchMethodException
131 	 * @throws InvocationTargetException
132 	 * @throws InstantiationException
133 	 * @throws IllegalAccessException
134 	 * @throws InvocationTargetException
135 	 */
136 	public static CompletionMode createCompletionMode(String className)
137 		throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, 
138 					NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException,
139 					InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
140 					InvocationTargetException
141 	{
142 		Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
143 		Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor(new Class[0]);
144 		Object obj;
145 		obj = constructor.newInstance(new Object[0]);
146 		if (obj instanceof CompletionMode) {
147 			return (CompletionMode)obj;
148 		}
149 		else {
150 			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Set completion mode is not a CompetionMode");
151 		}
152 	}
154 	/***
155 	 * Info class that associates a {@link CompletionMode} with a name that
156 	 * can be shown to the user.
157 	 *
158 	 * @author Felix Berger
159 	 */
160 	public static class CompletionModeInfo
161 	{
162 		private String name;
163 		private String className;
165 		/***
166 		 * Constructs a new completion mode info object which can then be
167 		 * installed using 
168 		 * {@link CompletionModeFactory#installCompletionMode(CompletionModeInfo)}.
169 		 * @param name a possibly localized descriptive name of the completion 
170 		 * mode, like {@link i18n#tr(String)"Drop down Completion")}. 
171 		 * @param className the class name of the completion mode
172 		 * @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is <code>null</code>
173 		 */
174 		public CompletionModeInfo(String name, String className)
175 		{
176 			if (name == null) {
177 				throw new NullPointerException("name must not be null");
178 			}
179 			if (className == null) {
180 				throw new NullPointerException("className must not be null");
181 			}
182 = name;
183 			this.className = className;
184 		}
186 		/***
187 		 * Returns the descriptive name of the completion mode.
188 		 */
189 		public String getName()
190 		{
191 			return name;
192 		}
194 		/***
195 		 * Returns the class name of the completion mode.
196 		 */
197 		public String getClassName()
198 		{
199 			return className;
200 		}
202 		/***
203 		 * Returns the descriptive name of the completion mode, thus  
204 		 * CompletionModeInfo object can be directly used in comobobox or list 
205 		 * models without the need of providing a CellRenderer.
206 		 */
207 		public String toString()
208 		{
209 			return name;
210 		}
211 	}
212 }