Type | Changes | By |
The project has been separated from the XNap Commons project
and moved to a new location:
steffen.pingel |
A locale parameter has been added to I18nFactory.getI18n()
steffen.pingel |
A flags parameter has been added to I18nFactory.getI18n() that
allows to fallback to a default resource bundle (#3) or to
disable caching.
steffen.pingel |
The resource bundle lookup has been enhanced to also look in
the default package when a class is passed to
I18nFactory.getI18n() that is not in the default package (#2).
steffen.pingel |
If a basename is passed to I18nFactory.getI18n() the classpath
is not searched for i18n.properties files anymore (#7)
steffen.pingel |
I18nManager.setDefaultLocale() does not invoke
Locale.setDefault() anymore (#6).
steffen.pingel |
A NullPointerException has been fixed classes that were loaded
through the boot strap classloader were passed to
I18nFactory.getI18n() (#4).
steffen.pingel |