Package org.xnap.commons.gui.table

Provides support for sortable tables and configuration of the displayed columns through a context menu.


Interface Summary
SortableModel Defines the requirements for tables that can be sorted.

Class Summary
FilesizeCellRenderer Renders filesize for a table cell.
NumberCellRenderer A cell renderer for Number objects.
ProgressCellRenderer Renders progress in a progress bar with a text for a table cell.
StringCellRenderer StringCellRenderer renders strings for table cells and enables a tooltip text to show long strings.
TableHeaderMenu Used for menus that control table column visibility.
TableLayout TODO update documentation TODO squig don't make TableSorter a requirement, maybe have a general table layout and a more specific SortableTableLayout subclass?
TimeCellRenderer Renders time for a table cell.

Enum Summary

Package org.xnap.commons.gui.table Description

Provides support for sortable tables and configuration of the displayed columns through a context menu.

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